Tuesday 24 January 2023

Eight Values of Free Expression

  Eight Values of Free Expression

What resonates with me the most is the first point, Discovery of Truth. This value was first suggested by Milton, who first suggested that when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out. 
I grew up in China. There are many cultural differences between China and the United States, different laws, and different government management systems. In China, freedom of speech does not exist. When you pollute the government or the president of the country, the police have the right to arrest you. Similar to disturbing the peace.
The issue of Hong Kong independence remains a very important issue. The Chinese government rejected people's protests and demonstrations, and even suppressed the crowds by the police. I will not comment on this event. But in the United States, marches and protests are allowed, and people even gather in front of the White House to express their protests.
The Hong Kong independence movement, the war in Ukraine, these are all happening. These things cannot judge its correctness. Everyone has their own considerations and judgments. As a Chinese, I hope my country can be unified without the possibility of internal division. But as a bystander, I will judge the benefits and risks before evaluating these cases.
The question is whether people can protest, whether they can have their own opinions. No matter what the final result is, nothing can limit a person's thoughts and opinions. This is like the tiger in the forest and the tiger in the zoo. As time goes by, the tiger in the zoo will slowly lose its wildness. Tigers will definitely miss that freedom, the forest, the vastness without limits. But is there really any benefit to being in a zoo? of course not. They don't have to worry about food, there is no risk of being killed, and they have a dedicated medical team. Offspring are more likely to survive.

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